Subsection of: Elements for a Successful Press Campaign
Adapted from content excerpted from the American Express® OPEN Small Business Network
A “backgrounder” tells your company’s story. It should include all pertinent information –about your company–its products or services, its market/industry, and its management team. It should be written in such a way that it holds a reporter’s interest. Keep it focused on benefits and information…once again, this is not a sales piece, so keep the hype to a minimum.
You can create a workable backgrounder by writing a paragraph or two about each of these elements:
- What your company does
- When and why your company was started
- A brief history of your company
- Your products or services
- Your key personnel
You might also want to create a one-page corporate fact sheet. It is briefer and more “bare bones” than a backgrounder. A fact sheet lists the basics about your company, including:
- Your company name
- Your address and phone number
- The focus of your business
- Your products or services
- Your management team
- Contact names and numbers
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