Bank Alfalah | SME Toolkit

Renowned NGOs join hands with Bank Alfalah SME

In recognition of Bank Alfalah’s contribution towards promoting entrepreneurship and capacity building of SMEs, our team was invited to present its SME program by Entrepreneurship & Community Development Institute (ECDI) and Health and Nutrition Development Society (HANDS). These two NGOs are involved in providing income generation opportunities to underprivileged communities and upskilling of small enterprises.

We met the senior management of HANDS and ECDI to present the SME NFA proposition and its centerpiece, the SME Toolkit. We explained the vision behind the development of the program and its execution. They were presented in detail various features of the SME Toolkit showing different business management solutions and interactive tools available to users.

The session was very well received by the audience who appreciated Bank Alfalah’s efforts towards developing credit function among the under-banked segment. The panel also discussed a potential for collaboration including sharing of support material and also engaging each other’s target audience.

We are optimistic that this will be another step by the Bank together with ECDI & HANDS to sustainably support the under-banked segment in Pakistan through bespoke solutions and quality advisory inducing innovation and growth to the SMEs vital to the success and development of our economy.

Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS)

HANDS is one of the prominent Not for Profit organizations working in social sector to provide basic health services, primary education, income generation opportunities and development of institutions to empower the underprivileged communities. HAND is benefiting more than 8 million population of 18 district (15,000 villages) with 50 ongoing projects across Pakistan. The SME Toolkit will enable potential borrowers keep proper books of account and thus increase ease in receiving finance from HANDS under their microfinance schemes.

HANDS is certified by Pakistan Center of Philanthropy (PCP) and Institutional Management Certification Program (IMCP) by USAID for management standards and registered with European Union.

Entrepreneurship & Community Development Institute (ECDI)

ECDI’s objectives revolve around promoting and building the capacity of Pakistani Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), increasing the competitiveness of Pakistani organizations and commodities at home and abroad, as well as creating jobs with sustainable incomes. It is keen on helping Pakistani MSEs increase their exports to regional and international markets. ECDI is one of its kind Pakistani not-for-profit organization working with women and youth since 1990. The SME Toolkit contains beneficial business tips, interactive tools and informative articles regarding female and youth entrepreneurship. These will enable women to improve their business practices and experience higher levels of growth.

ECDI is a member of the SEEP Network, Washington DC.

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